How To Get Free Cat Food In Battle Cats?

The mobile game Battle Cats allows players to collect different types of cats to use in levels. Cat food is used to unlock new rare cats or upgrade existing ones. As cat food takes time to accumulate through gameplay, many look for ways to get free cat food.

How To Get Free Cat Food In Battle Cats?, There are a few legitimate methods players can use to add free cat food to their Battle Cats account without spending real money. This allows upgrading cats faster to beat tricky levels.

Getting free cat food requires patience and knowing where to look. Timed events, daily bonuses, and completing certain levels will slowly grant free cat food over time. Outside the game, occasional promotional offers directly from the developers also hand out codes for cat food. With the right methods, dedicating some time to Battle Cats can yield a good stack of free cat food.

Complete Stages and Missions to Earn Cat Food

Complete Stages and Missions to Earn Cat Food

The main free in-game currency in Battle Cats is cat food. Cat food can be used to purchase special cats or refill energy. Players receive cat food as a reward for completing stages and missions.

When just starting in Battle Cats, focus on completing as many early game stages as possible. The initial wave of early stages provides first-time completion rewards of 30 cat food per stage. Complete all of these to quickly build up reserves of cat food.

Later on, more difficult stage missions awards increased cat food bonuses upon first-time completion. Occasionally limited-time challenge stages appear which offer cat food for completion before they expire.

Prioritize completing these whenever they are available.

In addition to stages, players can earn cat food from daily login bonuses, clearing certain one-time missions like linking their account to Twitter, watching advertisement videos, and via occasional coupon code promotions advertised on the Battle Cats’ social media pages. Check those frequently and redeem codes for free cat food boosts.

Save up cat food rewarded from all of these activities instead of spending it right away. Having a reserve of cat food will allow you to refill energy once it runs out so you can keep progressing through stages and missions to generate even more cat food.

Roll the Rare Cat Capsule Strategically Using Free Tickets

Roll the Rare Cat Capsule Strategically Using Free Tickets

One of the main uses for cat food is to utilize the Rare Cat Capsule. The capsule allows players to spend cat food on a random draw for new cats to add to their collection. The cats that can be drawn, and the probabilities of getting superior Uber Rare cats, differ based on which capsule event is active when you roll.

Rolls in the Rare Cat Capsule cost a hefty 150 cat food each spin. This is where free cat food tickets come in very handy. On certain log-in days and during celebrations, the game awards players 1 to 3 free Rare Cat Capsule spins.

Be selective in how you utilize these freebies. First, only roll during Super or Uberfest events, when the probabilities of getting Ultra Rare cats are boosted. Second, before rolling individually review the list of which Uber Rare cats are available – if most of the Ubers are for types you already have rather than filling gaps, wait for a future event with better Ubers on offer.

Using this patience, only spending free cat food tickets on optimal events, you can slowly expand your roster with powerful Ubers suited to surmount the game’s toughest enemies.

Level Up Wisely Using XP Rewards

Level XP Rewards Total XP XP to Level Up
1 100 XP 100 XP 100 XP
2 150 XP 250 XP 200 XP
3 200 XP 450 XP 300 XP
4 250 XP 700 XP 400 XP

As you acquire more cats, you need to level them up using XP to make them viable for your lineup. Earning XP requires spending energy to replay previously cleared stages. Make sure to utilize any XP stage events that provide increased XP as a reward.

Rather than spreading XP upgrades thinly across your entire cat unit inventory, focus first on buffing up cats you utilize frequently in your main battle team against the game’s toughest enemies. Having a smaller set of elite upgraded cats of different types is much more valuable early on than having a large set of under-leveled units.

Also, be selective about which cats to evolve. Ensure the cat is one that you utilize often and make sure you have the necessary evolution materials on hand before spending any XP. Avoid over-evolving niche cats too early before your critical ones.

Strategize How You Spend Leadership

Strategize How You Spend Leadership

Leadership is an alternate resource used to play through SoL stages. Compared to energy, it refills more slowly over time. Leadership becomes very valuable for accessing late-game and end-game stage content.

Avoid wasting leadership by manually playing early-game Main Story stages that can be easily cleared with automated bot attacks. Defeat one-star difficulties of new SoL subchapters using free leadership refills rewarded for watching ads when available.

When you reach tougher stages requiring multiple leadership per play, review stage guides to determine the ideal lineup and strategy. Experiment with bot attacks via videos first before spending limited leadership on manual play attempts.

Synergize Your Cat Team

A great way to take on forces beyond the power of your cats’ levels is effective team synergization. Study your roster to identify combination attacks. Pairing cats that can freeze enemies with high DPS attackers is one classic example.

Also, ensure your lineup has good coverage across enemy types and ranges. Bring fast melee cats to counter enemies with primarily long-range attacks. Include cats that can critically hit float enemies usually impervious to ground attackers.

Review enemy intel beforehand when selecting cats pre-battle. If you see the stage features primarily red enemies, for example, fill your lineup with anti-red cats to turn the tide. Slowly build up niche counters as you accumulate more cats to pivot your roster based on specific threats.

Join Forces with Friends

The social feature of Battle Cats allows you to exchange gifts and share units with friends. Added friends expand your shared unit inventory used to supplement your cat force battling enemies.

Actively foster in-game friendships with active players and exchange gifts daily. Friend points earned this way let you purchase special items and cat eyes used to enhance your cats’ abilities. When tackling tough stages, you can utilize shared Ultra Rares and Ubers from whale friends compensating for gaps in your own roster’s firepower.

Joining a Battle Cats community outside the game provides another way to make supportive comrades. Veteran players often freely share insider tips as well as their coveted Ubers to help others succeed without spending money.

So while amassing superior rare Battle Cats ultimately requires patience and persistence as a free player, understanding and effectively utilizing all of the progression methods detailed above will steadily unlock new content and cede control over the enemy Bases. Remember, Deer Eat Cat Food if left accessible, so be mindful of outdoor feeding areas.


What are some ways to get cat food without paying?

Completing stages, missions, daily logins, linking accounts, ads, and promo codes.

Should I use cat food to continue or revive?

Save cat food for capsule rolls, continue by watching ads, or use leadership.

When is the best time to do rare capsule rolls?

Roll during Superfests or Uberfests when the odds of getting rare cats are increased.

How can I get more leadership for the late-game stages?

Watch ad videos for free leadership refunds when available.

Who can I team up with to beat tough stages?

Befriend veterans who share strong rare cats as assists.


The mobile game Battle Cats allows players to collect different types of cats to use in battle. While the game includes some free cat food, players often want more so they can unlock special cats more quickly. This leads many to ask, How To Get Free Cat Food In Battle Cats? There are a few legitimate ways to get small amounts of free cat food by watching certain ads or completing special levels. most methods require patience or spending real money.

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