How Much Is Smalls Cat Food?

Smalls is a sparkling, human-grade cat food business enterprise that focuses on offering brilliant nutrients. Their freeze-dried recipes use clean elements and are gently cooked at decreased temperatures to keep nutrients. Pricing varies primarily based on method, however a 2lb bag prices around $25 to $35 on common.

Have you ever wondered, How Much Is Small Cat Food? As a young cat proprietor, you want the exceptional in your bushy friend. Smalls makes top-class cat food with clean meats and vegetables that are lightly cooked to keep the nutrients. A 2-pound bag fees approximately $25 to $35. With quality ingredients, it’s worth asking How Much Is Smalls Cat Food?

Small cat meals use sparkling, human-grade elements tailor-made to cats’ vitamin needs. Meats, vegetables, and supplements are gently cooked to retain nutrients. Their freeze-dried recipes are characteristic proteins like chook, salmon, and turkey. A 2-pound bag costs $25-35 depending on formula. Quality nutrition makes Smalls a healthy cat food choice.

What is the average price for small cat food?

What is the average price for small cat food?

The average price for small cat food is between $2 to $3 per meal. A 14-meal weekly plan costs about $35. The food is human-grade and fresh. Making fresh food costs more than shelf-dry food.

A box of Smalls Cat Food with 14 fresh meals costs roughly $35. That’s about $2.50 per fresh cat food meal. The price is higher than store brands. But it uses quality ingredients. Smalls also freshly makes and ships the cat meals.

How affordable is fresh cat food from Smalls?

Smalls costs more than most store brands of cat food. A bag of dry meals at the grocery save might also be the most effective price of $10 to $15. Smalls can cost $30 or more for a weekly supply. But with store brands, you often pay for fillers, artificial colors, and flavors that may not be healthy.

The higher price tag of small cat food reflects its fresh, high-quality ingredients. There are no byproducts, fillers, or preservatives. So while more expensive than typical cat food, over the life of your cat the investment in quality nutrition from Smalls can save money.

Comparing costs of different Smalls subscription plans

Smalls cat food offers different subscription plans based on how many meals you want per week. The 14-meal weekly plan costs around $35. The 7-meal weekly plan is $19. And the 4-meal plan is $13. With each plan, the per-meal cost is about $2.50.

The 14-meal weekly plan from Smalls costs about $2.50 per fresh, high-quality cat food meal. Opting for the 7-meal plan costs roughly the same per meal. The 4-meal plan is slightly more at around $3.25 a meal. But all plans cost more than traditional cat food.

What extra fees come with having small cat food delivered

What extra fees come with having small cat food delivered

Having fresh small cat food meals delivered incurs shipping fees. How much you pay in shipping costs depends on location. Orders above $39 get free shipping. Under $39 pays a $9 flat rate shipping cost per weekly order.

There are no hidden fees or extra costs associated with small cat food delivery beyond potential shipping fees. Shipping is loose within the U.S. For orders above $39.  For smaller orders under $39, a $9 flat shipping charge applies. Taxes may add 7% to 19% depending on state sales tax.

Does buying in bulk lower the cost of small cat food

Buying in bulk does help lower the cost of Smalls Cat Food a little bit. The extra food you order according to weekly transport decreases power in line with unit value. A 14-meal weekly plan breaks right down to around $2.50 in keeping with meals. Opting for a 28-meal bi-weekly plan makes each meal around $2.30.

Ordering more small cat food at once through a bigger subscription plan can slightly reduce the cost per meal. Each meal in the 14-meal weekly plan costs $2.50. Getting 28 meals bi-weekly instead drops the per-meal price closer to $2.30. Overall bulk discounting effects with Smalls subscriptions are minor though.

Where do Smalls source their ingredients to keep costs low?

Where do Smalls source their ingredients to keep costs low?

uses high-quality ingredients without fillers or byproducts to provide excellent nutrition. Ingredients are responsibly sourced to manage costs. Smalls gets meats like chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, and fish from U.S. Department of Agriculture licensed suppliers at wholesale rates. Fruits and vegetables are also wholesale directly through farm relationships.

Wholesale purchasing helps Smalls access quality ingredients from reputable U.S. meat suppliers and produce farmers cost-effectively. Responsible sourcing matters for managing pricing. Ingredients must meet the human-grade standard matching guidelines for human consumption safety.

Pros and cons behind higher than average prices of Smalls

Pros Cons
Human-grade ingredients Cost limits who can buy
Freshly made More than 3X store brands
Shipped to your door Outside some budgets
No fillers or byproducts Requires subscription
Quality control standards Doesn’t fit all lifestyles
Tailored meal plans Higher long-term investment
Supports domestic suppliers Upfront price deters some
Can improve cat health Pricing lacks flexibility
More transparent sourcing Demand strains the supply chain
Convenience factor Questions on the true value

Higher prices for Smalls reflect convenience, quality nutrition, and freshness. But specialty cat food is out of the budget range of some cat owners. Shelf dry foods are much cheaper. However, lower-cost cat foods often have fillers, and artificial additives cut with lower-quality ingredients.

Smalls cost more because uniquely made fresh with quality ingredients for excellent nutrition conveniently delivered to you. But high prices limit who can afford it. Many cheaper mass-market cat food options exist, though quality is compromised.

Getting discounts and deals when purchasing from Smalls

Getting discounts and deals when purchasing from Smalls

Smalls occasionally offers deals and discounts. New customer promotions sometimes 15% off the first order or a month free on select subscription plans. Seasonal sales discounts subscription plan upgrades or cost per meal. Check social media, and email listings for the latest deals.

Watch for discounts from Smalls on social media and email or as special limited-time offers for new subscribers. Intro deals sometimes include percentage discounts like 15% off the initial order or a free week bundled with a subscription plan sign-up. Seasonal promotions may cut per-meal costs too.

Factors contributing to fluctuations in pricing for Smalls

Multiple issues can cause price changes in fresh pet food. Ingredient supply chain interruptions from sourcing or shipping problems increase costs. Formula improvements requiring new ingredient expenses also impact pricing. And operational cost spikes for production or delivery get passed along through Fish Food price hikes.

Pricing for fresh cat food has more volatility than shelf-stable dry foods. Ingredient expenses can vary with crop availability. Export shipping problems raise supply chain costs. Facility upgrades add overhead. Fuel delivery surcharges are also common. Any spikes in operational costs often get pushed into consumer pricing.


1. How much is Smalls per meal?

Smalls costs about $2.50 per fresh, human-grade cat food meal.

2. Can you buy small cat food without a subscription? 

No, a subscription is required to purchase Smalls cat food.

3. What is a serving of small cat food? 

One serving or meal of small cat food is about 5-10 ounces of food.

4. How long does small cat food last? 

Small cat food lasts 5-7 days when refrigerated or frozen properly after delivery.


How Much Is Smalls Cat Food? It costs more than the average cat food. Small meals are freshly made with quality ingredients. Each meal runs around $2.50. That seems expensive compared to dry food. But Smalls has human-grade ingredients without fillers. So cats get excellent nutrition.

Is the higher price worth it? That depends on your budget and priorities. Feeding any pet quality food is important. Smalls makes that convenient through direct delivery. The freshness and ingredients come at a cost though. Smalls pricing may limit who can afford it. For those who can pay more upfront, long-term health savings may follow. Evaluating needs and finances helps determine if the price is right.

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