Do Squirrels Eat Cat Food?

Homeowners have caught pictures of squirrels consuming proper out of bowls full of cat kibble. The videos display squirrels grabbing mouthfuls of meals and scurrying off to consume them. Some squirrels even took their time to take a seat beside the bowl and munch on the cat meals.

Squirrels love food. They eat nuts and seeds. Squirrels also like meat. They want to grow big and strong. When squirrels smell yummy cat food, they want to eat it. Do squirrels eat cat food? Yes, squirrels try to eat cat food. The cat food smells good to them. Squirrels should not eat cat food. The food is not good for squirrels.

This suggests how formidable and adaptable squirrels can be after they find a handy meal delivery. While squirrels consuming cat meals might not look like a big deal, it can end up a nuisance over the years. Squirrels who frequently get entry to cat meals may additionally depend upon it as a primary meal source. This can lead to increased squirrel activity and conflicts. 

Yes, Squirrels Do Sometimes Eat Cat Food

It is not uncommon for outside squirrels to consume cat food left exterior. Squirrels tend to have very curious natures and will explore new food items. If cat food is not properly protected, squirrels will sample it.

Squirrels likely do not gain much nutritional value from cat food. However, it is tasty and convenient for them. So they will not pass up the opportunity for an easy snack, even if it’s meant for the neighbor’s cat.

Squirrel Caught on Camera Eating Cat Food

Squirrel Caught on Camera Eating Cat Food

Homeowners have caught pics of squirrels consuming proper out of bowls complete with cat kibble. The movies display squirrels grabbing mouthfuls of food and scurrying off to consume it. Some squirrels even took their time to take a seat beside the bowl and munch on the cat meals.

The recordings serve as evidence that squirrels do make themselves at home when they find cat food outdoors. A daring squirrel may even shove aside a resident cat to get access to its food bowl first. Squirrels clearly can exhibit bold behavior in pursuit of food.

Why Squirrels Help Themselves to Cat Food

Squirrels are always looking to stockpile food for harder times. Cat food that is left unattended outside makes for an excellent easy addition to their food stores. Often squirrels will take the cat food and bury it elsewhere to save it for later.

Additionally, cat food provides grains, protein from meat ingredients, and lipids squirrels need to survive. So nutritionally, cat food can meet some dietary requirements beyond just tasting good. The incentive is high for squirrels to feed from cat food bowls.

Dangers of Squirrels Having Access to Cat Food

When squirrels eat cat food, they can become habitual thieves, returning daily to consume it. This leads to contaminated food and saliva transfer that can spread diseases between species.

It also teaches squirrels poor foraging habits instead of consuming their natural wild diets. This makes them more dependent on human food sources than needed to properly coexist.

Squirrels Becoming Dependent on Cat Food as a Food Source

Squirrels Becoming Dependent on Cat Food as a Food Source

If squirrels regularly access bowls of cat food, they begin to rely on this food supply more and more over time. Not only is cat food unhealthy as a stable squirrel diet, but dependency on it also causes increased nuisance activity.

The more squirrels integrate cat food as part of their food supply, the more comfortable they become living in close contact with human environments. Generations of squirrels may learn to prioritize cat food over natural foraging behaviors. This habituation is problematic for both squirrels and homeowners.

Increased Squirrel Activity Around Cat Food Bowls

Squirrels exhibit territorial behavior. Once they lay claim to cat food as a food source, the same squirrels will focus on frequent and repeated attempts to access it.

Areas where cat bowls are kept become embedded into local squirrel territories and defended, bringing in higher traffic of squirrels expecting to be fed there routinely. They gather in numbers waiting for cat feeding time. This bombarding behavior around designated cat-feeding areas escalates over time.

Squirrels and Cats Competing for Food

As squirrels encroach on outdoor cat food supplies, it sparks competition between them and domestic cats. Both species can become defensive and aggressive over the food resource they feel entitled to.

Cats may hiss, claw, or swat at squirrels trying to interrupt their mealtime. Squirrels may in turn become combative to fend off cats from food the squirrels now also consider theirs. This leads to unnecessary confrontations and injuries on both sides.

Keeping Squirrels Out of Cat Food Bowls

Keeping Squirrels Out of Cat Food Bowls

The key is keeping squirrels from accessing cat food bowls in the first place with protective measures. Strategies like placing food indoors, using timed feeders, installing deterrent devices, putting bowls in squirrel-proof containers, or remaining present while cats eat can be effective solutions. Consistency and caution are needed regarding outdoor cat feedings.

Strategies to Protect Cat Food from Squirrels

Many clever fixes make cat food inaccessible to squirrels to prevent them from pilfering it as an easy meal. Squirrel-repellent scatter cushions on the ground help block squirrels from approaching bowls.

Feeders with metal sheaths too narrow for squirrels, but not cats, allow cats to reach food while keeping squirrels out. Motion-activated water sprayers also frighten off attempting squirrels on sight. Using several methods together provides the best squirrel-proofing results.

Securing and Monitoring Outdoor Cat Feedings

Cat owners must be vigilant and consistent if feeding cats outside to ensure squirrels do not steal the food. Quickly removing dishes after cats finish meals and not leaving any scattered bits eliminates temptation.

Staying outside to actively supervise during feedings can also minimize opportunities for squirrels to sneak in and access bowls. Securing food storage containers and offering food only at certain intervals also aids in preventative planning against squirrels.

Achieving Harmony Keeping Cat Food for Cats Only

Achieving Harmony Keeping Cat Food for Cats Only

With smart management of outdoor cat diets and proactive deterrence measures, homeowners can achieve a harmonious balance where local wildlife is kept at a safe distance.

Monitoring and protecting cat feeding stations enables cats to eat their appropriate food without drawing in problematic squirrel interest or letting species interact too closely. This thoughtful coexistence allows cats and urban squirrel populations to inhabit backyards peacefully. Cats Get Tired after eating and appreciate having access to comfortable and protected areas for napping and recharging during the day. Providing rest areas allows cats to conserve energy in between meals and activity periods.


Can I feed squirrel cat food? 

No, you should not feed squirrels cat food since it is not healthy or natural for them.

What pet food can squirrels eat? 

Squirrels should not eat any pet food because they are wild animals adapted to foraging a natural diet.

What animals can eat dry cat food? 

Only domestic cats should eat dry cat food since it is formulated specifically for feline nutritional needs.


The question: Do Squirrels Eat Cat Food? can honestly be answered with a convincing surety. As opportunistic eaters, squirrels will take advantage of any easily accessible meal sources they come across, such as cat food left unattended. As evidenced by the way squirrels caught on video munching immediately from cats’ bowls, those furry-tailed critters will indulge if given the hazard.

While squirrels eating cat food may seem harmless at first, it leads to larger problems of habituation. Steps need to be taken to intentionally exclude squirrels from cat feeding stations. This allows homeowners to better manage contact between wildlife and domestic animals on their properties. Simple deterrents and monitoring of outdoor cat food can avoid attracting undesirable squirrel interest while keeping your pets happy and fed. 

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